Nektarina is a non for profit organization established to raise funds for knowledge development projects, campaigns, events and ideas that will help people improve their lives and communities. Our main areas of interest are children, women, minorities and environment. Through our projects we aim to raise awareness, promote ideas, initiate thinking and trigger action.
In January 2010 we started our first Visual Essay Contest, with the following objectives:

1- Engaging youth into learning about specific topic important for the community / environment, education, Roma integration/ ;

2 - Acquiring visual research skills in gathering references from life, photographs, found objects, imagination, and memory;

3 – Expressing thoughts in creative visual style that should be a learning tool for others;

4 – Learning and applying the stages of visual thinking/problem solving/research/thumbnails/roughs/comprehensives;

5 - Analyzing illustrations in terms of colour interpretation, the use of typography, layout and composition.

Proposed topics were environment, minorities, learning, human rights...

We sent out participation invites to over 300 schools and institutions in Europe and the world, and hereby we present you the essays we received.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Crime Scene / Environment


Age: 23
Country: POLAND

Chosen Topic: Environment
